Good tokens 2025-02-21
Worth your time
Matt Holden on Fuzzy computing.
The Polymerist on the Courtship of Sampling. Making a self reminder to write down my thoughts on this one at some point.
Things I learned
The only right protected in the main body of the US Constitution is the right to intellectual property (remember that the Bill of Rights were amendments added later). It seems fitting to me that in the American Brain, the right to own ones ideas is even more primal than the right to free speech. Also, the first patent examiner for the United States was none other than Thomas Jefferson. Via ChinaTalk.
North Pole temperatures were a full 36 ºF above their seasonal average earlier this month. Uh oh!
People need a certain amount of structure to create bonds. You need the conference schedule to create the interactions that lead to friendships. It’s like the coral for the fish.
“It never gets easier you just go faster” - Greg LeMond
Culture and values are underrated for explaining the behavior of people and nations. This point was made by Prof. David Kang on ChinaTalk when describing why Asia doesn’t exhibit the same international relations patterns as Europe, but it also made me think of the book I’m listening to Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years. When someone’s values and their material self interest align, you always know what they’ll do. When they conflict, though, often people’s values win out over what would narrowly benefit them.