
Stripe Apps Marketplace open for all developers


We reached an important milestone for Stripe Apps last week: the marketplace is now open for all developers!

Expanding the ability to publish apps into the Marketplace has been a top focus for the team since the summer. I’m particularly passionate about this launch because I think the promise of Stripe Apps is best realized in the niches — developers making products for merchants with specific needs that will only be possible if anyone in the world is allowed to bring their creativity to bear on the problem.

I’m excited to see where this one goes!

Introducing Stripe Apps


I’m really excited to finally show the world Stripe Apps.

Stripe apps lets developers customize a user’s Stripe experience. They can make workflows simpler, like the Intercom app, that makes it easier for a support agent to see who they’re refunding a payment for and reply inline. They can make collaboration easier, like the Render app, that makes it easier for a company that uses Stripe to process payments to make that data accessible to PMs or Analysts on the team. Or they can make it easier for businesses to get financing based on their Stripe financial data, like FounderPath, that helps SaaS founder access capital more easily.

This has easily been the most ambitious launch that I’ve ever worked on. Recruiting 35 launch partners seemed impossible when we started and yet here we are with more than 50. I’ll probably write more about what I learned while doing this in the future, but for now I’ll just say that ecosystem product management reminds me of the way I felt when I first started being a platform PM.

There’s a fair amount of terror, that comes from not having direct control over people’s roadmaps and decisions. There’s a sense of accomplishment that comes with understanding how to use a focus on the user and attention to detail to get people to move in the same direction. There’s a thrill that comes with making something much higher impact than any one team or individual could make on their own.

You can see the entire list of amazing launch apps here or start building an app here. You can find coverage of Stripe Apps in the Stripe Newsroom, Hacker News, Tech Crunch, and Venture Beat.

Update: Stripe Apps covered by Ben Thompson in Stratechery.

Content gaps on YouTube


The last major thing I worked on at YouTube has finally shipped: a way for Creators to find inspiration for videos using YouTube data on what people have been searching for.

This feature is particularly useful if you’re trying to find your niche on the platform. You can brainstorm topic areas and then use those to find search terms where there isn’t enough good content today, allowing you to get started.

I’m proud to have played a small part in bringing this into the world.