
Before peer review


Only one of Einstein’s papers was ever peer-reviewed, by the way, and he was so surprised and upset that he published his paper in a different journal instead.)

Via Adam Mastroianni, who makes a compelling case against peer review.

It does seem that writing publicly and emphasizing auditability (sharing of data and code) would be more important than anything else.

Stripe Apps Marketplace open for all developers


We reached an important milestone for Stripe Apps last week: the marketplace is now open for all developers!

Expanding the ability to publish apps into the Marketplace has been a top focus for the team since the summer. I’m particularly passionate about this launch because I think the promise of Stripe Apps is best realized in the niches — developers making products for merchants with specific needs that will only be possible if anyone in the world is allowed to bring their creativity to bear on the problem.

I’m excited to see where this one goes!

Congratulations, Argentina!


Congratulations to Argentina and Lionel Messi on winning the World Cup. Thrilling game.

I saw Messi play in person in 2019 and it remains one of the three most impressive in person sporting performances I’ve ever seen. What I’ll remember most about watching the game, besides the atmosphere was how different Messi was in person.

He sat the first half of the game and then came in for the second half. Everyone else on the field was a football player; he was a great white shark. He scored the game’s only goal and was so business like about it. It felt like he could’ve scored it whenever he wanted and chose to do it then and not to do it again so as not to show up his opponents. I’m glad that guy has won a World Cup.