A journey through Pittsburgh's neighborhoods

New to me this week is Dean Bog who does 15 minute videos on various neighborhoods around the city of Pittsburgh.

If you have any interest at all in the city, I suggest you check them out. The Bloomfield video (I think his first one) is a good one to start with, but they're all worthwhile. As someone who grew up in Pittsburgh, I'm amazed at how much they teach me, both about the "facts" of the city and it's culture.

One thing Dean points out is that the city neighborhoods have a distinct feel because of the geography. The hills and rivers mean that two neighborhoods that are side by side on a map may not have any actual connections between each other and so can evolve totally differently.

I found out about Dean via this City Cast Pittsburgh episode where he talks about his process. I'm paraphrasing here, but one thing he does is basically walk around and talk to people until they introduce him to the unofficial mayor of the area, who tells the story of the place.
